Security Procedures

Visiting The New York State Capitol and The Legislative Office Building

In order to safely and effectively allow the passage of visitors into the Capitol and Legislative Office Building, all visitors must pass through the New York State Police security screening checkpoints.

Visitors entering into the Capitol and Legislative Office Building are subject to screening procedures utilizing Magnetometers, X-Ray Machines and visual inspection. As needed, all visitors may be scanned by State Police and/or Security Personnel with a hand-held Metal Detector and/or whole body pat down screening.

Completely empty your pockets and place ALL your items in the security bins, (small items may be put in your outer coat, then place your coat in the bin). You will be directed by the SST or Trooper to walk through the magnetometer. Keep your hands at your side and quickly through to the other side at a steady pace. Pick up all your items from the bins and proceed away from the security area.

Any visitors with medical issues may request that they NOT be processed through the Magnetometer or Handheld Metal Detector. These individuals must then be manually searched (pat down and visual inspection), while their belongings are X-rayed.

All adult visitors, 17 years of age or older, must produce a photo I.D. upon request. All visitors, 16 years of age and under, must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian.

All packages will either be scanned through an X-ray machine, visually inspected, or inspected by an N.Y.S.P. Canine (K-9) Unit, or a combination of these inspections, prior to being allowed into the building.

If any prohibited items are found on a person or in their belongings, they not be allowed entry. The following are prohibited items:

  3. ANY NOXIOUS MATERIAL – including those substances that would be considered legal as self-defense sprays under the N.Y.S. Penal Law, section 265.20 (14). (Examples of which are Pepper Spray, Mace, CN//CS, Tear Gas, etc.)
  4. EDGED WEAPONS - Any and all edged weapons designed for, or that may be utilized as a weapon. Including, but not limited to: knives (hunting, folding, utility, pocket, Swiss army, etc.), shears, scissors or other sharp edged instruments that could be used as a weapon. Swords, bayonets, machetes, tomahawks, axes, hatchets, spears, arrows heads (even without the shafts).
  5. NUISANCE DEVICES – Any device that can be readily used to disrupt Governmental activities including, but not limited to: Bullhorns, Whistles and Noisemakers and Musical Instruments.
  6. RESTRAINING-TYPE DEVICES - Including, but not limited to: Handcuffs, ropes, chains, padlocks, etc.
  7. ASSAULT-TYPE DEVICES or any device designed for or readily usable as a weapon, including but not limited to assault batons, kuba batons, chukka sticks, baseball bats, wooden sticks, brass knuckles, etc.
  8. EXPLOSIVE AND/OR INCENDIARY DEVICES: Fire crackers, cherry bombs, Dynamite, TNT, plastic explosives, or any unknown device of a suspicious nature.
  9. ELECTRONIC STUN GUNS or other electronic devices designed to disable a person.
  10. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS - At the discretion of Security Personnel, any items deemed to be a security risk or disruptive to Governmental activities, or items that pose a risk to public safety.

If any person is discovered to be in possession of any illegal or possibly illegal items, such as drugs or weapons, the State Police will be notified immediately

At any time during the screening process visitors may decide that they do not wish to be screened. Visitors will be allowed to exit the checkpoint with their belongings, as long as no potential threat or illegally possessed items have been identified. Visitors will not be permitted entry into the building unless they have submitted to a complete screening.